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Like all great stories, there always is a point of realization. 


And for us at the Micro Film Academy, that was one point in late 2019 when we realized that there was a perfect storm brewing, a convergence of different elements which needed a key to unlock its maximized potential and we had that key in our hands.



1.    Smartphones and micro devices made to fit in our pockets now have camera hardware and software capabilities to churn out great looking content, until the extent that the content could be considered “cinematic” in nature. 


These devices were created not just for consumption, but for creation. 


2.    SMEs- Every SME owner or staff has a smartphone with them. Markets and industries are getting saturated. How can you stand out from your competitors and reach more customers? Better yet, how can you use your micro device to bring your business to the next level.


3.    Children- It has been a culture over generations to empower children with skill sets to aid in their development and give them an added edge in life. Piano, ballet, and a host of other disciplines have been the staple. But as we are right smack in the digital age, are you tired of seeing your child just using his/her smartphone for consumption? The future proofing possibilities are endless when they learn to create using the micro devices in their hands.




The Education. The founders of the Micro Film Academy have been film and communications lecturers and academics in various top-tier universities for a combined breath of more than two decades while also having a huge foot in the active film and advertising Industry of Malaysia.

We have drafted out an education syllabus and system which we know will transform your life.


The Question that is left for you is….WHY NOT?

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